43 a status update - 12 days later

 Oh yay - she started another blog that we will actively read and be prepared to be disappointed when she doesn't actually keep it up - also does she not yet realise we moved into an age of tik tok and vlogging (video recording for ye oldies) 

Okay buckle up bitches - for the entire  12 days I have been 43 I have spent 11 of them extremely angry... if you are unfortunate enough to have to spent time with me during the last 11 days I know that you do not really require an explanation (exit here) and if you are family and related to Nonna then you probably had the unabridged revision as recanted by  Nonna (exit here) 

In the interests of not actually self imploding  and finally dying and / or losing my actual job for this first entry I couldn't possibly be specific about my sense of anger instead I will provide you with a list of 43 things I no longer give a fuck about,,, to be interpreted at your leisure if you manage to read the whole list...

1) OFSTED - in the words of Seuss if he was actually honest and used adult words...I could not, do not, give a shit what they think about FE (further education) when I deliver HE (higher education)

2) Globalization - This one is based on my current masters degree - I could not give a fuck about globalization and I give even less of a damn about your nonsense module requirements

3) Wearing makeup - As sponsored by the patriarchy and love is blind (new series) -I don't actually have to look at my face so really my face is your problem and I aint't spending money or time just to make myself "pretty" for your viewing pleasure

4) What you think - about anything - you do you kid - I no longer have time for worrying about what you are worrying about 

5) My parenting style - which admittedly would classify as sub par - but that is what the husband is for ... 

6) My lack of empathy for small people (apparently they are called children) - (see point 5) I don't like my own kids don't ask me to like yours

7) Counselling as a subject - while I agree its important - I did not ask for this role or the specifications attached - NOT INTERESTED

8) Fixing shit - I'm done fixing shit I don't want to - and will no longer be passive about this - NO will now be my standard response

9) The "pantry" - apparently this is posh - only if you haven't seen mine in which the standard approach is to lob shit in there and not look at it until the smell of something rotting kicks in 

10) Needing to wear glasses - When I misspell words in your text or online - it could be that my old age glasses have gone missing (frequently|) or that I lost my glasses again...don't care 

11) Having a thigh gap - do not care  I am so old that a thigh gap would indicate I am dying - don't care

12) Using an iron - NO

13) How I dress - I do care but I don't actually care what you think about the age appropriateness of what I chose to wear today 

14) Quality of food / cooking -did you get fed? BONUS - quality of said dish - don't care

15) Ridiculous made up essay titles - (again related to my masters) - ask me to make up my own essay - FINE you  lazy bastards - but how can I fail my own essay title?

16) CPD days - I do not want to sign up to clubercise or go for a walk around the river and call this teaching CPD - I see you and your nonsense

17) Being shouted at for: the wrong cereal- dude I gave you what you asked for - if this is wrong you should be clearer 

18) Having to pay to keep my qualification - why?

19) Having to explain that the reason for my extreme anger has nothing to do with my gender or "time of life" but that you are just an asshole

20) Crying - I do actually give a shit about this but I don't care for explaining why

21) Explaining my excessive tiredness -I'm old I need sleep fuck off

22) FAT CLUB - I rejoined I'm fat - I do and don't care

23) Avocado's being 14 syn's - fuck off 

24) Sitting through dance rehearsals - I saw this dance a zillion times - I don't want to watch other kids do the same on repeat for 3 hours plus 

25) The thing about mashing bananas being a syn

26) Anything my mother attempts to shame me for.. mainly my  cooking

27) Having babies - too old, don't care, don't do it

28) giving too much of self to job - drop dead get replaced

29) being questioned on my ethics - no longer prepared to negotiate these

30) NONSENSE CPD days not relevant to my career 

31) Tomatoes

32) What any one else thinks

33) Essay writing 

34) The ridiculous ending of good omens :( ( I so care about this I need a hug)

35) Being on duty on the 60th anniversary of Doctor Who  (in that I care but no duty will be given)

36) Anyone else's feelings when all I am currently running on is anger

37) who let the dogs out? - still don't care about this 

38) completing stupid training that a social worker I have more experience than the stupid training and video makes me complete - I know this because I answered your stupid quiz without watching the pointless  2 hour video and got a 100% score 

39) Tomatoes 

40) having to explain anything seemingly obvious to me

41)  not attending shit meetings that could have been an email - if you record those bastards you best believe I am watching them at 2X speed and skipping through the boring shit

42) Loyalty for Loyalties sake..

43) - Being 43 - which has consisted so far of being so angry my body hurts 


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